Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why are you not using your normal name?

Whilst you could work out my identity if you really tried, I’m choosing to preserve a minimal level of privacy around here. Some topics I discuss touch on public perceptions, and I prefer to keep a lower profile. I ask that people respect that. (Of course, if someone really wants to figure it out, there’s nothing I can do!)

2. I think i know you, is it you?

Prehaps! Unrelated but I like Biltong, Kinnie & Guinness.

3. I have a suggestion or feedback!

Great! I’d love to hear it. Sometimes I’ll agree and sometimes I might notā€”that’s okay. Head over to my contact page to get in touch.

4. Why do you think you’re qualified to write about these topics?

I have some experience in a variety of areas, especially regarding media and IT. I’m a jack of all trades, master of none. Remember that none of my posts should be taken as personal or legal adviceā€”I’m just sharing my thoughts and observations now and again.

That said, I’m always open to hearing other people’s perspectives and opinions. I’m not completely set in my ways (always), and I appreciate good discussions. However, there are some perspectives I simply won’t entertainā€”particularly those rooted in hate or discrimination.

5. Does my name have anything to do with the programming language?
